Saturday 31 May 2014


Why is a very big word ,
Its sometimes sweet or sour like curd .
There are some  questions 
On me, which left very bad impressions
I think its a part of life, 
Like ppt Is incomplete without slides
I don't know from where to begin,
From starting or ending
I am very confused ,
And bulb of my brain is also fused 
Lets start with the question,
  which leads to a very big confusion 
Why there  are limitations on the girls?

Why there are expectations from girls ?
Why girls are not allowed to move alone on the roads?
Why girls are not considered  as precious as boys?
why girls are expected to be a housewife only?
I think in this world all the girls feel very lonely,
Why girls are exploited and tortured?
Why there is a ban on girls imagination?
In ancient Times, girls  are considered as sacred as goddess. Why is it not so in today's world?
Why people feel unhappy when a girl is born?
And why they mourn?
I also don't have answers of all these questions,
I just hope the time will change,
And I am waiting for it....

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